
once upon a time, there was a boy

cause sometimes the blue shadow falls all over town



fun fact: spot a young & handsome burt bacharach on organ.


cause I see jet streams from outer space


recommended for these certain moments of soulful chillness…

A1) Blind man, blind man  0:00
A2) Jet set  6:53
A3) Sunny  12:43
A4) When I’m gone  16:03

B1) You’ve got your troubles  19:02
B2) Sweet tater pie  23:10
B3) Just say goodbye  27:00
B4) Devilette  31:35

comic book wisdom #09

when push comes to shove, charlie delivers.

charlie likes wu tang

watch ’em #02

Criterion Banner FINAL

this post is part of the #criterionblogathon thx for bearing with my broken english. please beware: spoilers might be lurking.

here we go…







“the lower depths”

DVD BOX SET – 2 Discs


THE LOWER DEPTHS [or A Night’s Lodging] portrays a lodging house, hideous and foul, where gather the social derelicts — the thief, the gambler, the ex-artist, the ex-aristocrat, the prostitute. All of them had at one time an ambition, a goal, but because of their lack of will and the injustice and cruelty of the world, they were forced into the depths and cast back whenever they attempted to rise. They are the superfluous ones, dehumanized and brutalized.
originally published in The Social Significance of the Modern Drama. Emma Goldman. Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1914. pp. 295-301.



the template:

The play The Lower Depths (На дне, subtitled: „Scenes from Russian Life”) was written by Russian and Soviet writer Maxim Gorky (*28.3.1868 – †18.6.1936) in 1902. Born as Alexei Maximovich Peshkov, he adopted the pseudonym “Gorky” (from горький; literally „bitter”), which reflects the topics he tackled and a growing sentiment towards society and social life in general in the Russian Empire of the early 20th century.

The people he depicted, were generally poor and from the lowest strata of society. He was looking for character and pride amongst them – for the underlying humanity beneath all fight against grinding poverty, cruelty and harsh climate, which formed their bitter fate. Gorky portrayed loosers, outcasts and misfits, trying to find out, what hold them back at succeeding in life. He believed in the uniqueness, Read the rest of this entry »

cause we’ve only just begun.

feel the magic of music and you are my friend 🙂

sharing horizons that are new to us
watching the signs along the way
talkin’ it over, just the two of us
workin’ together day to day

and when the evening comes, we smile
so much of life ahead
we’ll find a place where there’s room to grow
and yes, we’ve just begun

© roger s. nichols. / paul h. williams


comic book wisdom #08

we all play by the black widow’s rules. klik!


comic book wisdom #07

groundhog day reloaded.


comic book wisdom #06

hate is a button-push away.


lyrical saturday #09


10.15 on a Saturday night – the cure

three imaginary boys, 1979

Read the rest of this entry »

they said it #16

wu tang

“how can hip-hop be dead, if wu-tang is forever?”

rza as bobby digital, “put your guns down”, divi snacks, 2008.